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Roder Marquees from First Choice

Sold 6 x 25M Clear Span Marquee - Burton on Trent, Staffordshire


This Marquee was made for us by Crocker Bros Derby.

It consists of a 6mx6m Crown, one 4m x 6m Section and 5 x 3 M sections. NOT ALL SHOWN IN THE PICTURES

It is being sold by my scout group who purchased it in 2014. Each year it has been taken down washed dried and stored.

It was made to be bolted to the side of our building so only one cross brace. All Ally is in great condition.

The legs have all be extended to marry in with our Hq but will shorten to conform with standard walling heights.
The roof section and gables have some wear but are good with no rips or holes. They have all been cleaned, dried and are now ready for the season.

Delivery notes

Pick up only -

Burton on Trent

This item is now sold

Price: Sold
Brand: Crocker Brothers (6)
